Nearly 4 years later…

Still getting comments on this blog amazingly enough.

To answer a few:

I do not work for gamepal. Never worked for them. Their service worked for me… but keep in mind that was back in 2007.

I never wrapped up this blog and my review because honestly, i was afraid it would somehow lead back to me and my character. I didnt want to get banned…and i never did.


Feel free to keep the comments or questions coming!



Pfft.. who needs a day off anyhow?

Yesterday being maintenance Tuesday, i fully expected my little work-a-holic  to take a day off, unplug, get some sunlight maybe.

No sir.

By 6pm he was back online and ready to crank out 2 more levels like it was nothin. He did also purchase the riding skill and im assuming a mount as well. Saving all that gold by wearing crap gear paid off then 😉

SO now were sitting at level 44 with a mount, exalted rep with Darnassus – honored or revered with the other major factions,even managed to get honored with Booty Bay already. Not gonna lie, im pretty damn impressed.

No progress as of 5pm today however. I’ve yet to see him log on. Must have pulled an all nighter yesterday…


Gamepal promises 10 days for the 1-50 Leveling service

Here’s a quick little breakdown

4-10-07 – Service was ordered

4-11-07 – Spoke to “Dash” – Order was acknowledged –

4-12-07 – Power leveler gets to work – cranks out 12 levels 1st day.

4-13-07 – Level 21 by 11pm

4-14 -07 – By morning he’s sitting at 26 – Dings 30’s later than evening

4-15-07 – Manages to hit 36, 37, 38 throughout the day – 39 comes right before bed.

4-16-07 – 39 and 40 while im at work, 41 by the time i call it a night.

4-17-07 – 42 by early morning… with 8 levels and 4 days to go.

Were dealing with a pro here

Not much time for an update as i’ve been quite busy lately, so i apologize. So lets see if i can bring this thing up to speed.

In the days that followed my last post, Mr. Power Leveler stayed quite busy – pulling in easily 14 hour days on the character. Gamepal states that they will never play your character for more than 12-16 hours a day, however they were certainly nearing that threshold each and every day.

On day 3 and 4 the 20’s and 30’s were easily passed with the majority of time spent in Dustwallow Marsh, Darkshire, and Swamp of Sorrows. It seemed each time he logged off he was only gone for maybe 2 hours before coming back for another long grinding session with the druid.

Watching the character develop in the armory has been both amusing and insightful at the same time. By watching the characters reputation you can tell the majority of time is spent questing as opposed to just mindless botting and grinding. Certainly a good thing! However as i continued to check the armory each day, and saw the levels come and go with ease – I became more and more surprised to notice that there were NO armor upgrades done. Not a single upgrade until last night when he hit level 41.

This guy was running around in level 16-20 blues and greens, including a pair of cloth shoulders all the way to level 41. Now if that doesnt look suspicious i dunno what does.

I can only begin to asssume they do this to save money in order to:

1. Purchase a mount at 40

2. Support the company’s gold farming business

3. Make sure there is a little gold left over when they turn the account over to you.

This means – that after level 20 or so he began selling every single drop and quest reward for about 20 levels or so. I can only speculate at this point how much gold he was able to save up. But i do know this: They promise you a level 40 mount, they promise you a decent amount of gold on the character, and at level 41 he bought all new gear.


Nothing worse than seeing a level 40 running around in level 20 gear – It pretty much just screams powerleveler…

I am happy with the service thus far though, but the real test will be whether or not the Blizzard ban hammer comes down.

Only time will tell.

Day 2 – 1-20 in a breeze..

By the time i get to work at 8am on the 12th of April, my character is finally signed in, and a impressive level 14. I was feeling pretty positive about things and I decide to check back in around lunch time to check on the progress.

12:30 rolls around and I sign in to find him in westfall. perfect, it’s a pretty small zone with an open landscape. should be a breeze to locate the gamepal employee hard at work. Within minutes i locate him working him magic with my new character – I feel almost like a stalker as i follow him around, just out of sight, watching his every move for about 35 minutes. I was extremely happy to see that it was NOT a bot. Someone was playing that toon, and having a great time at it. As i sit there watching from afar, I notice the characters health nearly drop to zero – why not i figure – so i rush in and throw the druid a heal while he was pounding away in bear form… sure enough.. he finishes off the mob, shifts out of bear form, buffs me with mark of the wild and thorns!

Are you freaking kidding me?! Did the powerleveler i paid for just buff me, then proceed to /thank and /wave at me.. I was nearly rolling on the floor. Classic! And here i was expecting a completely non-responsive bot just grinding away all day.

Not the case at all – Not only did i witness him doing all the druid quests, but he even picked up a deadmines group, not once, but TWICE! By the time i went to bed , he was sitting at level 20 with 3 blue items. All in 1 days work. Not gonna lie, i was impressed.

Day 1 – What the heck kind of name is “Dash”?

Lucky me! “Dash” called the next morning around 12pm or so.. Not too bad really, only 12 hours or so between ordering the service and the authorization phone call. “Dash” was a generally nice, north american sounding guy – and the conversation was fairly quick. Dash just needed me to verify what i ordered, how i paid, characters name and server, and my name and address.

Dash: “Ok, well everything looks good, i’ll go ahead and authorize the order so we can get started. Thank you, have a nice day.”
Right then. Within a few hours i check my order status on the site:

April 11, 2007, 12:25 Powerleveling Status – Queue – Your order has been queued for processing.

April 11, 2007, 14:27 Powerleveler Assigned – Your order will begin within 1-24 hours

Excellent. Things seem to be moving quickly thus far and no complaints on my end.

I continue to log on to my other warcraft account periodically throughout the day and check the status on gamepals site. They have what im sure is a very nice powerleveling tracker on their site – at least the link would lead you to believe so – since it doesn’t do anything!! By the end of the day there’s still no sign of the power leveler and im tired – time to call it a day.

Im a day or so behind in my updates.. i’ll try and get it completely up-to-date today as the saga continues…

Purchasing someome else’s time and effort…or a robot.

First off to give credit where credit is due. Dave over at wrote up a great blog about his experiences with – After reading his blog, and shopping around a bit i decided that for better or worse, I’d give a shot and follow his lead by documenting my experience.

Powerleveling is a pretty touchy subject for wow players, and mmo’s in general. Agree with the services or not, they are here to stay – and inevitably they find a way into every Multi-Player Online game. is one of many service providers for game currency, items and leveling services. The prices are low, they offer a wide range of services, and the web site is snappy and fairly intuitive.

As much of a hypocrite i may seem because of this, I firmly disapprove of buying and selling gold. It screws with game economy’s, and allows people with the resources to purchase whatever they want, whenever they want, with no work put forth.

That being said, powerleveling services in my mind do have a place in this world, and do no real harm to anyone. For example.. I’ve played world of warcraft for 2 years, leveled to 70, Farmed ZG, MC, BWL – but my time is limited.. leveling several characters to 60 and beyond is something many people simply cannot do.

So after thinking about this for some time i finally decided to give power leveling a shot. With a new account in tow, I created a druid — the character i should have rolled 2 years ago >.<  named him, then promptly logged off. Let the fun begin!

I head on over to gamepal and decide to purchase the 1-50 leveling service for 119.99 – Only $35 more for 1-60 – But i figured i could do the last 10 levels while getting used to playing the class.

Here’s the breakdown:

World of Warcraft (US) Powerleveling Level 1 to 50 … 2007-04-10 19:59:33

Within a few hours i receive an email asking for my phone number, which i had already provided, so they could contact me for further information. Send the email with my number.. and now i wait…